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What's the difference between moving coil earphones, moving iron earphones, and coil iron earphones?

What's the difference between moving coil earphones, moving iron earphones, and coil iron earphones?

Mar 23,2022
What's the difference between moving coil earphones, moving iron earphones, and coil iron earphones? 
Dynamic Headphones

Because of its high energy conversion efficiency, it is also one of the most widely used and common solutions on the market. The internal structure is mainly three parts: permanent magnet, coil and diaphragm. The coil in the magnetic field, under the action of magnetic force, drives the diaphragm connected to it to vibrate, and then emits sounds of different frequencies. To put it bluntly, this is the "electromagnetic induction" we learned in middle school physics Advantages: natural sound, deep dive in low frequency, strong sense of atmosphere. Disadvantages: high frequency purity is average

Moving Iron Headphones

Moving Iron Headphones Similar to the working principle of moving coil earphones, they all rely on the vibration of the coil in the permanent magnetic field to produce sound. The difference is that the internal structure is different, that is, the moving iron unit is transmitted through a connecting rod to the center point of a micro-diaphragm to vibrate, and then Make some noise.

 Advantages: high sensitivity, relatively controllable frequency response curve, most moving iron headphones do not need ventilation holes, so the sound insulation is better. 

Disadvantages: The frequency response range is small, so headphone manufacturers will make a combination of moving iron + moving coil iron headphones or directly stack moving iron units, and control the sound of each frequency band through different types of moving iron units. 

Ring Iron Headphones

A moving coil + a moving iron or a combination of a moving coil + multiple moving irons can be called coil iron headphones. Principle: As mentioned above, the advantage of the moving coil lies in the comprehensive frequency response range, and the advantage of the moving iron lies in the high sensitivity and good dynamic transient performance. Combining the advantages of the two, it can achieve the effect of 1+1>2 ( At least = 2), so the ring iron earphone is to put the two units of the moving coil and the moving iron in one earphone shell, relying on electronic distribution or other methods to let the two play together to restore the sound.